This blog is dedicated to showing you how to earn money online. By showing you how I penetrated various niches I hope to bring you inspiration and knowhow you can use in your own business.
In the month of august 2009 I provided people with 23 niche ideas on my Danish blog on earning money online, and today I realize that many of these niche ideas have been almost unused by many of my readers on my danish blog. That leads me to the logical conclusion that I need to work in two areas in the field of earning money online.
Starting all over with a new group of people can increase my exposure since I now have both my regular readers who might also follow this blog plus the added traffic from search engines.
I have gone to business school originally and worked in many fields of book-keeping, inventory control, transportation services, Information Technology etc. As you can see at the bottom of this blog I write on the subject of Apple Macs. This is due to my fascination with the MacOS operating system. I was previously an avid user of the Linux operating system under the Mandriva distribution. Before that I had also tested various live editions of Linux such as SUSE, Knoppix, Fedora and a few others.
Blogging gives me a unique chance to SHARE information and knowledge with you readers, and that is the primary joy of making money online. Inspiring others. And moreover, setting up Adsense so that you can earn income from Adsense ads on your sites can help keep blogs such as this free. [For more information on earning money from Adsense, you should read my article entitled "Now You Can Learn Exactly HOW To Dramatically Increase YOUR Google Adsense Income"]
If you had to learn what I have learned these past many years you would have to spend many hours to get that same experience. Reading e-books from qualified writers such as myself can help you as a shortcut to knowledge.
Stay tuned and learn more about making money online
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